Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Zong-Yi Yang, and Shun-Chieh Yu, “High-frequency phase/frequency detectors: Analysis for oscillation-free optimal I/O,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 1097–1100, Nov. 2020. (SCI, EI)
Zong-Yi Yang, Chih-Wei Chou, Wei-Cheng Lin, Wei-Chun Chen, and Chi-Min Shu, “A novel environmental monitoring strategy for industrial safety and disaster prevention management applications,” Sensors and Materials, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 2247–2259, Jun. 2020. (SCI)
Zong-Yi Yang and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “High-performance low-cost dual 15 GHz/30 GHz CMOS LC voltage-controlled oscillator,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 714–716, Sep. 2016. (SCI, EI)
Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, “CMOS transimpedance amplifier for gigabit-per-second optical wireless communications,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Express Briefs, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 418–422, May 2016. (SCI, EI)
Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Zong-Yi Yang, and Hongchin Lin, “High-performance regulated charge pump with an extended range of load current,” IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol. E99-C, no. 1, pp. 143–146, Jan. 2016. (SCI, EI)
Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, “CMOS transimpedance amplifier for visible light communications,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 2738–2742, Nov. 2015. (SCI, EI)
Zong-Yi Yang and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “High-performance cost-efficient dual-band CMOS LC VCO,” IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 20150118, Apr. 2015. (SCI, EI)
Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, “Modeling the high-frequency degradation of phase/frequency detectors,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Express Briefs, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 394–398, May 2010. (SCI, EI)
國際研討會論文(International Conference Papers)
Zong-Yi Yang, Chih-Wei Chou, Wei-Cheng Lin, Wei-Chun Chen, and Chi-Min Shu, “A novel environmental monitoring strategy for industrial safety and disaster prevention management applications,” International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, Nov. 2019, SN9001. (Nov. 15–19, 2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC)
Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, “A CMOS transimpedance amplifier for optical wireless communications,” IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Nov. 2013, pp. 505–508. (Nov. 12–15, 2013, Naha, Okinawa, Japan)
Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, “CMOS transimpedance amplifiers for optical wireless communications,” International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems, Dec. 2012, pp. 563–571. (Dec. 13–15, 2012, Changhua, Taiwan, ROC)
Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Zong-Yi Yang and Ming-Jen Chang, “A CMOS optical receiver for optoelectronic integrated circuits,” IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics, Nov. 2010, pp. 120–123. (Nov. 18–19, 2010, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC)
國內研討會論文(Local Conference Papers)
[1] Shun-Chieh Yu, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “2.4/5.2 GHz fast-locked frequency synthesizer for Wi-Fi dual-band wireless networks,” Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, Jun. 2020, pp. 171–177. (Jun. 5, 2020, Kaohsiung)
Zong-Yi Yang, Jheng-Hong Shih, and Yuan-Chih Lin, “A high isolation technique of flexible multi-element RF tag antenna for indoor positioning system used in minimally invasive spine surgery,” Conference on Photonics and Communications, Dec. 2017, pp. 265–268. (Dec. 1, 2017, Kaohsiung)
Jheng-Hong Shih and Zong-Yi Yang, “The intelligent minimally invasive surgery positioning system function testing,” Conference on Photonics and Communications, Dec. 2017, pp. 20–23. (Dec. 1, 2017, Kaohsiung)
Jheng-Hong Shih and Zong-Yi Yang, “Radio frequency positioning system with tunable-frequency for minimally invasive spine surgery testing,” Biomedical Engineering Society Conference, Nov. 2017. (Nov. 17–18, 2017, National Central University, Taoyuan)
Yi-Lung Su, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “CMOS transimpedance amplifier for Gb/s optical wireless communications,” Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2017, pp. 195–200. (May 19, 2017, Kaohsiung)
Yu-Lin Chen, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “CMOS fully-differential transimpedance amplifier for high-speed Gb/s optical wireless communications,” Conference on Photonics and Communications, Nov. 2016, pp. 283–287. (Nov. 25, 2016, Kaohsiung)
Shu-Ying Hou, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “High-performance low-cost 15/30-GHz dual-band LC voltage-controlled oscillator in 0.18-μm CMOS,” Conference on Photonics and Communications, Nov. 2016, pp. 288–291. (Nov. 25, 2016, Kaohsiung) (榮獲優秀論文獎)
Yu-Hsiang Wang, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “A gain- and bandwidth-tunable optical receiver in 0.18μm CMOS technology,” Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2016, pp. 188–193. (May 20, 2016, Kaohsiung)
Pei-Fen Lai, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “High-performance cost-efficient dual-band CMOS LC VCO,” Conference on Innovative Electronics Design and Applications, Nov. 2015. (Nov. 30, 2015, Kaohsiung)
Jyun-Yu Gan, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “CMOS transimpedance amplifier for visible light communications,” Conference on Innovative Electronics Design and Applications, Nov. 2015. (Nov. 30, 2015, Kaohsiung)
Cheng-Cyuan Jhang, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “A CMOS optical receiver with an ambient photocurrent rejection circuit for optical wireless communications,” Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2015, pp. 373–378. (May 22, 2015, Kaohsiung)
Sheng-Yao Huang, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “A high-gain high-speed fully-integrated CMOS optical receiver,” Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2015, pp. 379–384. (May 22, 2015, Kaohsiung)
Wei-Shun Yin, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “A high-speed optical receiver with a noise cancellation network in 0.18μm CMOS technology,” Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2015, pp. 477–482. (May 22, 2015, Kaohsiung)
Zong-You Wu, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “A high-efficiency low-ripple charge pump using variable frequency modulation control,” Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2014, pp. 181–186. (May 23, 2014, Kaohsiung)
Shao-Da Chiu, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “A CMOS frequency-mixing transimpedance amplifier for near-infrared spectroscopy sensor front-ends,” Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2014, pp. 193–198. (May 23, 2014, Kaohsiung)
Pei-Xuan Liu, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “A wide-tuning-range CMOS VCO using a differential tunable active inductor,” Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2014, pp. 229–234. (May 23, 2014, Kaohsiung)
Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, “CMOS receiver front-ends for optical wireless communications,” Conference on Photonics and Communications, Oct. 2012, pp. 343–346. (Oct. 26, 2012, Kaohsiung)
Jun-Yi Lee, Zong-Yi Yang and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “A voltage-controlled variable-gain optical receiver for optical wireless communication,” Conference on Photonics and Communications, Dec. 2011. (Dec. 2, 2011, Kaohsiung)
Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, “High-frequency degradation of phase/frequency detectors and its effects on PLL dynamics,” 22nd VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Aug. 2011, pp. 408–411. (Aug. 2–5, 2011, Yunlin)
Wei-Ruen Wu, Zong-Yi Yang and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “Voltage-controlled variable-gain optical receiver,” 6th Intelligent Living Technology Conference, Jun. 2011, pp. 872–875. (Jun. 3, 2011, Taichung)
Zong-Yi Yang and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, “Low power design of a 5.6-GHz voltage controlled oscillator,” 5th Intelligent Living Technology Conference, Jun. 2010. (Jun. 4, 2010, Taichung)